Thanks + Giving = Joy, happiness, satisfaction etc.

Thanksgiving is just two days away. Can you believe it! That was super fast! Anyways, I spent my day helping my mom prepare some food for the “Thankful Day.” I chopped celery, cut potatoes, and spent a little time crying due to cutting onions :D! We took out our ham and hen (no turkey this year :P)  to thaw , and then we will start the cooking tomorrow. I don’t know about you, but I’m really excited about Thanksgiving. It’s such a special time to embrace and love everyone around you and to thank God for absolutely everything good and sometimes even the rough times you have had in your life. Although Thanksgiving is our country’s time to be thankful, I personally think that every chance we get we should thank God and give to those in need.

As all of you know, after Thanksgiving  comes the huge holiday…Christmas! I absolutely love Christmas! This year, instead of me and my family receiving and asking for things, we have decided to give back. We are going to donate money and items, not only to our country, but also to Asia and Africa and anyone else in need.

Giving to other makes me feel great:)! Like I have accomplished something. Making others happy gives me joy to see the smiles on their faces. Their isn’t one word that describes how giving exactly makes me feel. I can only try to describe it. If you can, please give to someone this Christmas. Give anything, even if it is just a simple hug, smile, something handmade by your or your child… give a simple meal to a hungry person ,or a sweater to a homeless person. Whether they seem happy about what you just gave them or not, just rejoice, because  you just showed someone Christ through you and that you and God cares about them.

So, are you up for the fun challenge??? Good! You will be so much happier through these sometimes rough holidays :).

God Bless & Happy Thanksgiving